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Welcome to your Water Treatment Practice exam!
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What term describes the chemical capacity of water to neutralize acids?

What should be the sample volume when testing for total coliform bacteria?

What is the major health risk of nitrates?

The secondary standard for iron recommends that the concentration not exceed?

Monitoring and control equipment often communicate with the SCADA system via?

According to the EPA, sedimentation is based on a theoretical detention time of?

For public water systems using surface water and groundwater under the influence of surface water, turbidity must be monitored at least?

Four-log removal for viruses is?

An increase in which of the following causes the chlorine demand to increase?

The Total Coliform Rule is based first on?

Sodium thiosulfate is used to?

What is the causative organism for cholera?

Fusible plugs on chlorine cylinders are designed to melt at approximately?

Daily consumption of gaseous chlorine may be checked by____________

Small gaseous chlorine leaks in and around a chlorinator can be detected by the use of commercial strength?

The proper emergency repair kit for a ton chlorine cylinder is an__________

Water system security is whose responsibility?

The secondary contaminant limit for fluoride is?

An operator hears a pinging sound coming from the pump. What is the probable cause?

The component of a centrifugal pump sometimes installed on the end of the suction pipe in order to hold prime is the?

When taking a routine Bac-T sample, the sampler should also check what?

Lead and Copper are both based on?

What are the two main causes of hardness in water?

What device measures the flow rate of gases?

What is the most common method used in labs to test for Total Coliform and E coli?

Coagulation occurs during the first?

What precipitate is formed in alum coagulation?

Records for bacteriological analyses should be kept for a minimum of?

Which of the following chemicals is not listed as a trihalomethane?

pH is a measure of?

What effect will algae in a reservoir have on dissolved oxygen (DO)?

The amount of water in a water-bearing formation depends on the?

A filter should be backwashed when it has?

One volume of liquid chlorine gas will expand at room temperature and pressure, to occupy how many volumes of gas?

Surface water systems must treat, at a minimum for?

What metals are most likely to leach from household plumbing and cause a health hazard?

What laboratory device sterilizes laboratory apparatus and microbial media by using pressurized steam?

Records on turbidity analysis should be kept for a minimum of?

The filter rate and backwash rate of each filter shall be determined and recorded once each__________

The culture media used in the presumptive test is of _____________

Fish eyes are _____________

Water may be aerated by several methods, almost all of which involve_____________

All chlorine cylinders are required to contain at least one fusible metal safety device (plug), how many does a 1-ton cylinder have?

The detention time usually required in a conventional straight-flow sedimentation basin is _______ h.

Air binding is a condition that may occur as a result of _________

A program for the control of algae should be instituted__________

With the coming of winter, the water temperature drops. A likely operational problem at a filtration plant with coagulation is ___________

The most desirable place to feed activated carbon in a lime-soda ash softening plant is_________

A fluoride saturator____________

Activated alumina is used effectively for the removal of_____________

What state do you live in?
